Written by: Joey Shadeck

Edited by: Dayana Yochim

Fact-checked by: Jeanette Valencia

Created: 03.12.23

Updated: 18.12.23

What to do if you can't pay utility bills?

Based on the recent statistics and data, it's evident that a significant portion of Americans are struggling with their utility bills, which has been exacerbated by various economic factors. Here's an article that addresses this issue and suggests considering a loan as a potential solution:

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Struggling to Pay Utility Bills: Considering a Loan as a Solution

In recent times, a staggering 40% of Americans have reported difficulties in paying their household bills, marking a significant increase since August 2020. This struggle includes managing utility bills, which have been affected by rising energy costs and economic challenges​​.

Utility debt in the U.S. has more than doubled since the start of the pandemic, climbing from about $10.5 billion at the end of 2019 to approximately $23 billion by February 2022. Around 20.1 million households were behind on their utility payments at this time​​.

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The average American energy debt stands at roughly $1,000, contributing to a total utility debt of around $22 billion nationally. These daunting figures highlight the severity of the issue for many households​​.

Table: Key Statistics on Utility Bills and Debt



Percentage of Americans struggling with bills (2022)


Increase in overall energy prices (March 2022 vs. previous year)


Average American energy debt


Total utility debt in the U.S. (as of February 2022)

$22 billion

Households behind on utility payments (as of February 2022)

20.1 million

In this context, taking out a loan might be a viable option for those struggling to pay their utility bills. Loans can provide immediate relief by covering outstanding bills, thus preventing the disruption of essential services like electricity and heating. However, it's crucial to consider the terms of any loan, including interest rates and repayment schedules, to ensure it's a manageable solution in the long run.

If you're considering a loan to cover utility bills or loan for medical bills, it's advisable to explore various options and choose one that aligns with your financial situation and repayment capacity. Remember, a loan should be a tool to alleviate financial strain, not add to it.

For those facing such challenges, it's important to weigh all options carefully and consider seeking financial advice. Managing debt responsibly and exploring all available avenues, including assistance programs and negotiation with utility providers, is key to overcoming financial difficulties.

What is the current scale of the utility bill payment problem in the U.S.?

The utility bill payment issue in the U.S. has escalated significantly. As of 2022, about 40% of Americans reported difficulties in managing their household bills, with many specifically struggling with utility bills. The total utility debt has reached approximately $22 billion, with an average individual energy debt of around $1,000. This situation has been exacerbated by factors such as rising energy costs and economic challenges following the pandemic​​​​.

What are some potential solutions for those struggling to pay their utility bills?

For those struggling to pay their utility bills, considering a loan might be a viable solution to provide immediate financial relief. However, it's important to carefully consider the loan terms to ensure they are manageable in the long run. Additionally, exploring utility bill assistance programs, negotiating payment plans with utility providers, and implementing energy-saving measures can also help manage and reduce utility expenses. Seeking financial counseling for long-term planning, best personal loans and debt management is another advisable step​​​​​​.


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